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Showing posts from February, 2022

#49 XTC - English Settlement

Virgin Records, 1982 New Wave experimental pop rock I don't remember precisely when I picked up this album --- sometime in the mid '00s --- but I do remember why. It was thanks to my buddy Andrew!  In 2004/05, I was living in the Monastery Lane apartments with Megan, and our pals from high school Andrew and Brad had an apartment in the same building, so there was much coming and going and hanging out. At that time, Andrew had discovered some bands that were very novel for us, coming as we were from the pop-punk capital of the Annapolis Valley. XTC was one, as well as the Cocteau Twins, and others that escape my memory at the moment. I fell in love with XTC, and will always associate it with that time in my life. Andrew's in Vancouver, Brad is in the Valley, and Megan is in Moncton, but we all hang out for a few minutes in my memory when XTC hits the stereo.