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Showing posts from May, 2022

#78 Miles Davis - Bitches Brew

Columbia, 1970 Jazz Fusion This record may not be for everyone, but I love it. It's intense and weird and wonderful, and can be appreciated on so many levels. My friends and I discovered this album in high school, courtesy of Mr. B's excellent teaching. Juele managed to rip a cassette somewhere, and we'd tour around in her parent's van. Listening to this record late at night driving rural roads is pretty surreal. Complimenting our own night  travels, the music seems to encapsulate thousands of years of history. There is beauty and strength and pride and sorrow and anger. This album is an experience.  I taught African Canadian Studies a couple of times in recent years, and I feel like that experience (an incredible experience) has added a new dimension to my listening when I play this record. I felt like I knew a fair amount of history beforehand, but I learned so, so much more; and when I listen to this album, I feel some of that same thrill of discovery and

#76 The Count Basie Trio - For the First Time

Pablo Records, 1975 Jazz This record has become a staple in our household. Stu and I both love jazz, so we play it often. I had forgotten I owned this, believe it or not --- it must have been gifted to me by Dad with a few other records. As such, it was a delightful surprise when I pulled out and gave it a spin.  This record is banger right from the beginning. High energy, great sound, interesting variety of tunes. Count Basie is a piano master, and this album really showcases that skill. Sometimes I think trios are the best, because everyone has a chance to really shine. If you are a jazz fan, make sure to give this record a listen.

#75 Bob Dylan - Slow Train Coming

Columbia, 1979 Folk Rock/Blues This one Stu brought to the collection. While I listened to a lot of Dylan in my younger days, it was mostly from his acoustic and early electric period, so this album was not familiar to me. It's great! That probably doesn't come as a surprise to you, readers, but that was my thought when I played it, so true to form I record it here.  This album is a mood; it has a hard spirit and an attitude, and a feeling of reflection. Like all Dylan's stuff, it has great lyrics that pull you in, and an excellent sound profile. I will definitely be returning to this album in the near future. 

#74 The Irish Rovers - All Hung Up

Decca, 1968 Irish folk So, I loves me some Irish folk music. I used to play in an Irish folk band, and grew up in a place where folk and celtic tunes were an everyday thing. As such, it was natural for me to pick this up when I found it on one of my second hand bin forays. Admittedly, this record is not my favourite in the genre. The sillier songs are great for kids or for saucy campfires, but not my typical daily listening choice. That said, there are some great tracks on this album, and it's definitely staying the the collection. You never know when you'll need a rousing round of Liverpool Lou!