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Showing posts from August, 2022

#88 Kate and Anna McGarrigle - Dancer With Bruised Knees

Warner Brothers, 1977 Folk, Folk Rock I got this record from a giveaway box at some apartment on Agricola Street. Pretty sure someone was moving and this was their scratch box. Well you know what they say: one person's trash is another person's treasure. And so this was for me. I didn't know much about this before I grabbed it, but I recognized the names. It was a delightful surprise to hear the excellent vocal harmonies and engaging range of tunes that this album offers. I do like Folk, so this is perhaps particularly suited to me, but I am happy to have it in my collection. 

#87 XTC - Black Sea

Virgin, 1980 New Wave Pop Rock I have waxed nostalgic about XTC before, so I won't go too in depth with this one, but I will mention a few details.  Black Sea is the first XTC record I ever heard. Andrew G played it for me when I was hanging at he and Brad Luk's apartment in Quinpool Court on Monastery Lane circa 2004. Megan and I lived upstairs in the same building, and there was much coming and going. I was immediately hooked by the whistling and the tempo of "Generals and Majors" in particular, and it would remain a party staple for me.  This album is super fun and really solid, and I always enjoy spinning it. 

#86 John Mayall - The Turning Point

Polydor, 1969 Blues Rock I never listened to John Mayall growing up, but Dad has always sung his praises. He recently gave me this album, along with a few others. And let me tell you, Dad was right. This is wicked good. I enjoyed the whole thing, and will definitely be spinning it again. I don't have a tonne to say about it now, except thumbs up.

#85 Nirvana - MTV Unplugged in New York

Originally on Geffen Records, 1994;  Mine: UMe 2019 reissue So I was pretty young when Nirvana was the biggest thing in the universe, but I still felt the magic. My siblings and I had goldfish named Nirvana and Greenday. I loved "Smells Like Teen Spirit". We learned Nirvana's version of "Where Did You Sleep Last Night" around the bonfire at camp Wapomeo. I remember being at the Greenwood Mall and hearing on the radio that Kurt Cobain was dead. I was upset, but still figuring out exactly what death really means. I listened to all the Nirvana albums, but this one always resonated with me pretty intensely. I listened to the cassette many times in junior high and high school, and then didn't hear it again for a long time. When I saw this Reissue in 2019, I decided I had to have it. Good decision. When I listen to it, I still feel the magic. I also want to knit that green sweater. ♡

#84 Teenanger / Charlie and the Moonhearts Split

Telephone Explosion Records, 2009 Surf, Psych-Garage I picked up this split at a Teenanger show (at Tribeca, if memory serves), and was super pumped. I don't think I really knew much about Ty Segall at the time, though I would come to love his stuff later, and it was very cool when I realized he was involved with this record. Even more cool was my great enjoyment of the Charlie and the Moonhearts side of this split. Though I bought it for Teenanger, I would ultimately fall for Charlie and the Moonhearts!  This record is loud and energetic and intense, and at the same time light and fun and surfy. I wouldn't play it for folks who don't like distortion, but it's a great piece of my collection.