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Showing posts from April, 2022

#73 Tyrannosaurus Rex - Unicorn

Blue Thumb Records, 1969 Psychedelic Acoustic Folk This album is very important to me. Those who know me, know I am fond of T Rex, but this pre T recording is extra special. I first remember hearing it in grade 8, and I fell in love with it entirely. It resonated with me a on strangley personal level, considering how far out the lyrics are. Warlord of the Royal Crocodiles was my jam. My friends were forced to listen to poorly dubbed cassettes every weekend, because that was the easiest way to copy and share music on the North Mountain in 1998.  I had always listened to my dad's record (from whence came the cassette) and didn't have my own copy when I moved out, so I was very excited when I found it at Taz---the old spot on, what was it, Grafton? Two locations ago. It was like finding treasure, though I spose that's always what second-hand vinyl shopping feels like to me. Maybe it was more like finding the Arkenstone. I remember being super excited, and Bob telli

#72 The Yardbirds - Favourites

Epic, 1977 Psychedelic Blues Rock I came to the Yardbirds fairly late in my life, considering how famous this band and its members are. I knew more songs than I realized when I initially picked it up. Pretty sure this one came from the $1 Record Store on Almon.   The band hardly needs an introduction from me, so I will simply say that this record is predictably awesome, and will remain in my collection. 

#71 The Stooges - Raw Power

Columbia Records, 2010 (remastered); original 1973 Early Punk, Hard Rock This album was a gift from Stu, and a most welcome one. I love this album, and listened to it  regularly for years.  Search and Destroy was my softball entrance music when I briefly played for the Gus' Pub Patties.  When I lived alone in the woods I would plug in my IPad Mini and play the mp3s at high volume in the car after a rough teaching day, and feel like I'd vented to pals. For me, this album is the perfect mix of high spirits and cathartic emotional expression. It taps into the feelings of unbeloging that often punctuate human existence, and transmutes that doubt to power. Raw power. Perfect title.